This is what I think.
June 15, 2024
How To Integrate Tinymce Editor In Laravel 11(With Livewire)
First, we need to add third party script to our blade file. We can use @asset directive for injecting third party script. @assets <script src="{{ asset('build/public/js/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js') }}" referrerpolicy="origin"></script> <script> tinymce.init({ selector: '#details', // Replace this CSS selector to match the placeholder element for TinyMCE plugins: 'preview importcss searchreplace autolink autosave directionality anchor insertdatetime advlist lists quickbars emoticons', toolbar: "blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | align numlist bullist | forecolor backcolor emoticons", promotion: false, menubar: '', height: 500,...
June 10, 2024
About Github Profile Contribution
Recently I noticed that my github contribution doesn't reflect my commits and PRs. After all, I had to change my git profile email to same as github account email address. I have used my previous work email address as git profile email setting. I know it's tiny silly thing but sometimes it is important to impress hiring managers.
Adding Google Authentication With Google Client Api
When you try to add google client api on Laravel, csrf middleware automatically check the csrf token for post requests. Don't forget to add data-_token={{ csrf_token() }} on the login button element.
June 07, 2024
Recently I Am Working On 2 Projects At The Same Time.
Check this out! This is a volunteer project and I am participating as a backend developer. At the time I joined this team, this project was not divided into frontend and backend. The team leader assigned me to build a backend system from the start. We have decided to use NestJS as a backend platform with PostgreSQL. Our boilerplate is almost done. I have learned so many new technologies since I am not very familiar with the Node.js platform....
November 05, 2023
Working On The Final Project From My First Semeseter In Sait
There is a class named 'Technical Communication' in my course. The instructor gave me the final project of the class, which is recommendation report. It is basically the technical recommendation for the target website. If there is error or something that can be useful fot the website in any point, point out the problem that I found and recommend the fixes. It sounds easy for the first time, but it is actually not. Most of the web site works properly,...
October 22, 2023
Database Server Recovered
Recently I had an issue with my cloud DB server. I had to recreate the server and set up from the beginning. It is just my private server and nothing important included, but I think it's always good idea to have some backup plans.